Project Innovation
Marshall's Dream 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Welcome to the Marshall's Dream Business & Technology Scholarship and Student Career Development Initiative. Our goal is to provide at least 70,000 students over the course of 2024 and 2025 with various business and technology-based resources. Marshall's Dream will support students with scholarships, smart technology and leading business industry courses to further support their future career and educational pathways.
Program Fundraising Goal $33,250,000
Student Support Goal 70,000
Cost Per Student $475 (Laptop or Tablet Technology)
Application Development Cost: $75,000
Marketing and Media Development: $50,000
Total Program Fundraising Goal: $33,375,000
The Marshall's Dream fundraising team will work diligently throughout 2024 - 2025 grassroot fundraising to build the required funding needed to accumulate and provide advanced smart technology and scholarships for students who aim to enter into business education and various technology industries. We want to build this program with the Marshall's Dream community, surrounding leaders, organizations and leading technology companies to provide a groundbreaking program and platform to support our next generation of business leaders and technology innovators.
The Future of
Education and
Career Development

Resources Provided
Coursework Applications
Courses & Certifications Provided
Entrepreneural Development Courses and Industry Certification
Industry Leadership Courses and Certification
Artificial Intelligence Courses and Industry Certification
Blockchain Technology Courses & Certification
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Why Artificial Intelligence is Important to the future of Education?
AI courses teach the many ways we make computers perform and automate tasks like humans. AI is demonstrated when a task, formerly performed by a human and thought of as requiring the ability to learn, reason, and solve problems, can now be done by a machine. There are many types of artificial intelligence that are used today.
The World Economic Forum predicts AI will create 97 million new jobs by 2025. AI and machine learning specialists are the fastest-growing jobs in the world in 2023. AI courses can be useful for professionals interested in upskilling.
What is blockchain technology?
Blockchain is a P2P, distributed ledger which ensures the decentralized nature of the technology and works without involving third-party/central authority. As technology is booming, it has started attracting public attention. Many of the industries, including finance, supply chain, gaming, healthcare, and others, have started adopting blockchain solutions to secure their place in the changing times. Organizations and enterprises are implementing this technology to stay ahead of their competitors.
Blockchain (also called Distributed Ledger Technology) provides a time-stamped, universal ledger of immutable records for data that is managed by a cluster of computers rather than being owned by a single entity. Each of these blocks of data is secured and bound to each other using cryptographic principles (blocks chained together = blockchain). The cryptographic principles that secure and bind the blocks are what form the chain. Blockchain technology allows for a secure, auditable, and transparent chain of records. The long-term potential of the blockchain industry for Washington is vast, as it is expected to reach $3.1 trillion in business value by 2030 globally, with North America accounting for as much as a third of the market.
The Science & Technology of the Future
Marshall's Dream is working diligently to provide students with services and resources that focus on Business Development through AI and Blockchain Technology for the future of our American students. We are currently working with emerging AI & Blockchain Technology groups to provide courses, camps, internships and career pathways for students excelling in the worlds latest groundbreaking technologies.

Scholarship Provision
If you’re interested in pursuing a career in business, blockchain technology or artificial intelligence, you’ll need to have a solid educational foundation. Our scholarship program will support higher education for students. These degrees and certifications can be obtained through a variety of avenues, including online and in-person courses, bootcamps, and degree programs. We understand the high cost associated with such courses and we aim to provide full scale support for as many North Texas students as possible.
We established the scholarship program to help build a stronger and more inclusive future business, blockchain and AI community, which can bring a wider range of experiences to these sophisticated industries.Our scholarships provide financial support to students for all groups regardless of social class or status. We aim to support students who are seeking advanced studies in technologically driven and business- related fields.

Blockchain Explained
Blockchain Basics
Smart Contracts
Decentralized Applications
Blockchain Platforms.
Development tools used during the course include Truffle IDE, smart contracts, MetaMask, Solidity, and Remix IDE.
Understand smart contracts, a core idea and computational model of blockchain that enables automation, autonomy, scalability and transparency.
This specialization introduces blockchain, a revolutionary technology that enables peer-to-peer transfer of digital assets without any intermediaries and is predicted to be just as impactful as the Internet. More specifically, it prepares learners to program on the Ethereum blockchain.
Marshall's Dream wants to be forefront in providing our support areas with the opportunities to further their educational and career pathways.

The first and foremost reason for the growing demand of Business, AI & blockchain talents is due to the limited talent pool despite the fact that there are tremendous high-paying employment opportunities. Tech giants, including Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, and others, have launched new teams to work on research into blockchain space. The demand for such professionals is not only restricted to the BFSI sector (Banking, financial services, and insurance), but also by supply chain, healthcare, gaming, real-estate, including government institutions and federal agencies.
Our organization believes that we have an opportunity to commission thousands of students into our world's fastest growing industries. With the support of the Texas community and beyond, the innovative approaches of our affiliate teachers and the contributed resources from our state and local leaders; Marshall's Dream can provide students with opportunities never before seen within philanthropy-based programs.