Scholarship Application Requirements
2 page essay with cover page. Cover page must include name, date of birth, current address, current educational institution, desired career and the date at the time of apllication.
Essay can be in a font of your choice(please chose a readable font), 12-pt font, double spaced at a maximum of 2 pages in length.
Eligible students at the time of application must be either a current high school senior or an enrolled or applied college student.
Must have a 2.0 grade point average or higher (GPA)
Scholarship Amount $1,000
Chose One Essay Question
Essay Question 1. What currently motivates you to continue onto higher education? How will education help you attain your desired goals?
Essay Question 2. What defines true success from your point of view?
Essay Question 3. How will you utilize your education to progress the communities around you?